​RF Converters

Broadband RF Converter
with VPX interface

Typically designed for radar or wideband EMC test applications, our frequency converter modules are designed for the conversion between complex baseband waveforms and higher transmitted frequencies. These modules are ideal for integration with digitising modules.

RF Converters At a Glance

  • Carrier Frequencies to Ka Band
  • 2GHz Instantaneous IF Bandwidth
  • 1GHz Instantaneous IF Bandwidth Selectable
  • Impressive spurious rejection performance
  • Customisable construction
  • Optional VPX Interface
  • Compatibility with Teledyne e2v EV12AS350 (ADC) and EV12DS400 (DAC) devices
  • Used in radar and radar environment simulators
  • ITAR free

 Additional Information

Broadband RF Converter
with VPX interface

While Teledyne Lincoln Microwave has the capability to design all the individual building blocks of an RF Converter, this is not always the chosen design approach. A more cost effective solution may be found in the integration of commonly available parts. At carrier frequencies up to Ka Band our strength lies in our experience of handling complex integration tasks and the use of innovative RF Converter architectures to achieve exceptionally good spurious rejection.

IF frequencies and bandwidths can be customised to meet the interfacing requirements of higher performance digitizers. The B3MC98001 converter module offers selectable IF frequencies and instantaneous IF bandwidths of 2GHz or 1GHz.

Formats range from 19” rack to robust modular designs for extreme environments. Optional interfaces include ANSI/VITA 65 (OpenVPX) in a 3U VPX form factor for interoperability with compatible signal intelligence (SIGINT, radar, and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) products.



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